Griff's Great Australian Rail Trip

Australia is a land of wondrous wildlife, incredible landscapes, and warm, wonderful people. Comedian and actor Griff Rhys Jones takes a trip across the entire country by train in his glorious travel documentary, trying to find the true essence of Australia and its inhabitants. From the dusty, barren outback to lush rainforests, surfing beaches and busy cities, join Griff for an epic adventure.
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Griff's Great Australian Rail Trip on BBC Select
Ep 1: Perth to Kalgoorlie
Griff Rhys Jones kicks off his epic trip across Australia with sandgropers on his mind. What is a sandgroper? This rather unusual question is perplexing comedian Griff Rhys Jones on the first leg of his epic adventure across Australia. In this eye-opening travel documentary, he’s taking the regal Indian Pacific train from Perth to Kalgoorlie, discovering Western Australia’s riches. Along the way he meets very cute quokkas and possibly lost Highland dancers.
Ep 2: Rawalinna to Sydney
Trying to find the true Australian character, Griff Rhys Jones meets a lot of sheep. What makes an Australian? Comedian Griff Rhys Jones continues his epic journey across Australia, pondering this deep, philoso phical question. As this glorious travel documentary continues, he ventures from Adelaide to Broken Hill and finally the city of Sydney. En-route, he meets a lot of sheep at a massive sheep station, discovers an engineering marvel and has lunch with fellow comic Ross Noble.
Ep 3: Brisbane to Cairns
Griff Rhys Jones is in Queensland where all manner of things are trying to kill him. After many miles on the noble Indian Pacific train, the Spirit of Queensland railway is comedian Griff Rhys Jones’s new home. As his epic travel documentary continues, he’s venturing from Brisbane to Cairns where he comes across all manner of things that seem determined to kill him, from jellyfish to dingoes to whitewater rapids and more. Griff ponders how Aussies cope with such dangers.
Ep 4: Gold Coast to the Outback
Griff Rhys Jones is seeking out ‘the good life’ on Australia’s glitzy Gold Coast. How do you define ‘the good life’? Comedian, actor and travel enthusiast Griff Rhys Jones is determined to find out as he continues his journey Down Under. On the Spirit of the Outback train, travelling through Queensland, Griff discovers the glitz and glamor of the Gold Coast, before reveling in the dreams of the Australian Outback, revered by bush poets and pioneers across history.
Ep 5: Darwin to Alice Springs
Griff Rhys Jones takes to the air, then the rails and finally a camel in north Australia. Griff Rhys Jones has traded in his regular train for a spot of air travel. But will he regret the decision? The comedian heads to Darwin in a vintage Tiger Moth biplane as his epic travel documentary continues. Once safely on land, he’s riding the rails again, only to discover a mysterious baseball game in Alice Springs. But why does he suddenly find himself on a camel?
Ep 6 Uluru to Adelaide
Griff Rhys Jones comes face to face with snake catchers and noodlers around
Adelaide. What makes Australia extraordinary? Griff Rhys Jones will have plenty of time to ponder this question as he plummets to earth during his first tandem parachute jump. As this endlessly entertaining travel documentary concludes, Griff heads south to Adelaide on the oldest passenger train in the country. Along the way he meets snake catchers, extraordinary bakers and expert ‘noodlers’.