Fortress Britain with Alice Roberts
From the Normans to the Nazis, the island nation of Britain has been constantly threatened by invasion. Some invaders were successful, others never quite made it. All have left their mark. Alice Roberts and her fellow historians explore Britain’s long-standing obsession with invasion, by examining the physical reminders that are still here today. How much has invasion shaped the British nation?
Watch Fortress Britain with Alice Roberts and more acclaimed documentaries on BBC Select today. Restrictions apply*.
Fortress Britain with Alice Roberts on BBC Select
Episode 1: Henry VIII– Going It Alone
The story of Henry VIII’s fear of invasion, told through his castles, ships and spies.
King Henry VIII certainly left his mark on British history. His decision to break from the Catholic church made Britain a target for numerous European nations. But as historian Alice Roberts discovers, Henry’s attempts to fortify the nation led to fundamental changes. Castles were built, the navy became one of the finest on the high seas and a secret service was established.
Episode 2: Halting Hitler
The story of how Britain prepared for a Nazi land invasion during the Second World War.
Operation Sealion was the Nazi plan to invade Britain. And it nearly succeeded. Historian Alice Roberts delves into Second World War history and visits the sites that still remain, used to defend the nation against Hitler’s army. From tank traps to sticky bombs, the Home Guard, and the tragic story of a forgotten wartime heroine, Britain’s WWII legacy is explored.
Episode 3: Avoiding Armageddon
Tales of Cold War Britain, from the Russian nuclear threat to upper-class spies.
During the early years of the Cold War, Britain was under constant threat of nuclear attack. Historian Alice Roberts tells the story of Britain’s response to potential Armageddon. The subterranean networks from where the country would have been run following a nuclear war are explored. And the story of an upper-class spy network, passing our early nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, is revealed.
Episode 4: The Norman Takeover
How the last successful invader of Britain, William the Conqueror, changed the nation.
William the Conqueror, as the name implies, was the last successful invader in British history. But once he was here, he faced an unhappy populace unwilling to accept the new Norman regime. Historian Alice Roberts travels from battlefields to mighty castles and spectacular cathedrals, to tell the story of William’s journey from unwanted invader to ruthless ruler of England.